Friday, October 19, 2012

GA2502 Assignment 02: Weapon and Shield - Concept

 Here is the Sword and Harness Concept Art

 Here is the Shield Concept Art

Reference Images

 Use this as ref because I wanted to make a battle harness
This seemed right design was looking for.

 Here is an example of how I wanted the Sword and Shield
to be connected when not in use.

I used this as inspiration for the blade design. 

 I really liked the tech si-fi style of the hilt and guard.

I found this and it's what gave me the idea to have 
the shield open and turn into a jet pack.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

GA2502 Assignment 01 Three Game Prop Artists

I actually don't know any Prop Artists in the Gaming Industry. I've never researched them because I never planed on becoming one. I am more interested in Level Design/World Building than Environment or Prop Modeling. So for this assignment I had a really hard time looking for three different people. Tried looking up games I liked then finding the artiest that made them but couldn't find any info on them. I was able to find some recent greduates from Ai Orange County that had their websites still up so I just chose three of them.

First is Cordell Felix. I think he is quite talented from the stuff he has up on his website Really like the stuff he did for the Dream Warehouse and the Coca-Cola was pretty cool too.

From his online resume it looks like he is currently working as a Cinematic Artist/3D Artist for Games at Ember Lab.

Next is An-Tim Nguyen, Would have to say his Sci-fi Train Interior was my favorite part of his website. I really like the detail put into the scene. There was also some really cool props on the Primal Carnage portion of this page. I like the hard surface props he has with the lights, crates and machinery. I like doing hard surface modeling much more than organic modeling.

From the LinkedIn link on his page it looks like he is currently working as a Freelance 3D Artist and an Administrator for 3dmotive.

Next is David Kim, He has a very distinct style to his art. Kind of a cartoon feel to his work like World of Warcraft. He has several examples under his props page. Would say the Steam Clock Tower and the Future Barrel are my favorites but is closely followed by the Manna Tree and Turtle Bot. Nice logo too.

Couldn't find any info on David's current work history so decided to add another person to the list.

Brad Boyles, Brad is currently working at Obsidian Entertainment in Irvine as an Environment Art Intern, or at least that's what his online resume says. From his website it looks like most of his work was presented in UDK and have to say looks pretty good. His Fast Attack Vehicle is really nice, I like the amount of detail he was able to get from the high poly model.

These guys have some skill and would potentially be our direct competition since most have only graduated recently. Like stated before I'm not really looking to become a Environment/Prop Artist but is was I would use these guys as the bar at which my stuff would need to be better than to get a job in this industry then go that much higher.